● 4 tablespoons Sage leaves
● 8 cups of just-boiled water
● Pour 8 cups of just-off-the-boil water over the sage leaf in a wide bowl. Stir briefly to incorporate the herbs. Cover immediately.
● Let steep for 5-10 minutes while the water cools enough for steaming, and keep a towel or lid over the bowl to capture the steam and volatile oils.
● When the water has cooled to a comfortable steaming temperature, sit before the bowl and place a towel over your head to create a tent.
● Breathe deeply while steaming.

- Bring water to a boil in a teapot or pot, or mug.
- While the water is heating, crush herbs in your hand or with a mortar and pestle to help weaken the plant’s cell walls. Place herbs in a mug, heat-safe glass jar, French press, or teapot.
- Pour hot water over the herbs.
- Cover the vessel to prevent the herb’s volatile oils from escaping with the steam.
- Steep for 5-20 minutes.
- Filter, after steeping, using a tea strainer and a heat-safe vessel. Press down on the herbs with a spoon to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. If using a French press, just press and pour into your mug!

Use Sage to deter cockroaches! 🙅🏻🪳☠️
Yes, the smell of Sage is so strong that it repels cockroaches too.
And Sage contains pyrethrum chemicals that upset cockroaches’ nervous system, making them unable to properly function whenever they are near this plant.[4]
For these reasons, Sage is a great way to keep cockroaches away but ensure to use fresh Sage.
Probably the most commonly known use of Sage.
Many ancient civilisations have seen Sage as a holy and sacred herb since medieval times.
Historically, Sage is used to promote long life and increased wisdom (think of the “wise sage”), and fengshui also believe that the Sage plant can attract protection and prosperity.
In Indigenous culture, Sage is used for cleansing and removing negative energy and bad luck by burning the plant. This belief remains practised and often marketed as an essential of spiritual and mental wellness.
Don’t know how to do it? Let the Kardashians show you the way.