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4 in stock


Top level at either corner

First harvest

8 weeks

Final harvest

12 weeks

Nutritional facts

Vitamin A, C, Iron, Calcium, Potassium

Pet Friendliness

Dogs👎☠️ | Cats 👎☠️ | Rabbits👎☠️ (👎☠️: Not advisable, 👍: Safe to include in every day diet)

Product Description


Habanero Peppers are small and have a bulb-like shape. Wrinkled with a smooth appearance and yellowish orange colour when ripe, they are one of the hottest peppers in the world but also contain a fruity, citrusy flavour. Habaneros are an integral part of Yucatecan food.


Habaneros are commonly used in purée, salsa, marinades, and hot sauces.

Care And Harvesting Tips:

Pick and come again! Habanero peppers are known for their high yield and are relatively easy to grow. The peppers will change colour as they ripen, harvest when they turn yellowish orange in colour.


Habanero Pepper plants may develop long roots, lift the net pods up to check the roots every 3 weeks and trim extending roots, leaving just one pinky finger long of roots extended from the base of the net pod.  To make space for new crops, remove the entire plant off Grobrix and re-pot the plant in a garden or pot when they start flowering.

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Top level at either corner

First harvest

8 weeks

Final harvest

12 weeks

Nutritional facts

Vitamin A, C, Iron, Calcium, Potassium

Pet Friendliness

Dogs👎☠️ | Cats 👎☠️ | Rabbits👎☠️ (👎☠️: Not advisable, 👍: Safe to include in every day diet)
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